What happens in June?
Mmm…June…a wonderful month…School ends (in some countries, Italy included)….summer officially starts (this year’s summer solstice is on Saturday 20 June)….usually it is Wimbeldon month (though sadly not this year)….
Anything else?
Of course: it’s ASTEROID DAY!!!
Yes, Asteroid Day is held on the 30th of June each year to mark the anniversary of the 1908 Tunguska impact.
Asteriod Day is officially recognised as international day of awareness and education about asteroids. Across the globe, a series of events will help us all to learn about what asteroids are, their role in our solar system, what scientists are studying about them, what risk there is or isn’t for our planet.
NEOROCKS will be part of this, through our partners across Europe. All throughout this beautiful month of June, we’ll fill you in on what is going on, what events are planned and where you can learn more about the fascinating world of asteroids. It’s already started with live streaming on the official web page.
In the meantime, check out the story behind Asteriod Day here (and yes, you will see some famous faces that will rock you…)
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash