Two new asteroid names…
Remember we told you about the naming of the Asteroids in our #NEOROCKS4Kids video, with the Italian Space Agency.
We said that Asteroids could be named by the person that discovered them and could be named after whoever deserves a place in the sky. Well, who could be more deserving that the health and civil protection services that have been by our side through the COVID-19 pandemic?
We are delighted to say that, on September 20 2021, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) formalised the naming of asteroid (84119) Sanitariitaliani (Italian Health Workers) and (95760) Protezionecivile (Civil protection).
Our Neorocker Fabrizio Bernardi and Maura Tombelli, the two discoverers, wanted to acknowledge the contribution given by the staff of the Italian Health Systsem and Civil protection during the COVID-19 pandemic. They were supported in this choice by the Italian Space Agency and the Unione Astrofili Italiani (UAI), the Italian astronomical amateurs union.
Full motivation below. Amazing work!
(84119) Sanitariitaliani = 2002 RF26
Discovery: 2002-09-03 / Fabrizio Bernardi * / Campo Imperatore / 599
The “Sanitari Italiani” represents the Italian Health System and includes doctors, nurses and all persons in Italy who, through their bravery, full commitment, professionalism and generosity,
played a crucial role during the 2020 COVID19 emergency.
(95760) Protezionecivile = 2003 EF41
Discovery: 2003-03-09 / Fabrizio Bernardi * / Campo Imperatore / 599
The Protezione Civile is the Italian Civil Protection. It was established in 1992 and it deals with the prediction, prevention and management of emergency events, including natural disasters. Its full
commitment and professionalism played a very important role during the 2020 COVID19 emergency.
Photo by Caleb Chen on Unsplash