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  /  Posts tagged "ESA" (Page 2)

The 7th IAA Planetary Defense Confererence will be held (online) on April 26-30, 2021. Hosted by UNOOSA in collaboration with ESA, the bi-annual conference brings together world experts to discuss the threat to Earth posed by asteroids and comets and actions that might be taken to deflect a threatening object. Our NEOROCKS partners will be there of course! Fabrizio Bernardi from Spacedys will

While the grown-ups wait for Asteroid Day, and try desperately to get through never ending lockdown and school closures, how about something for the kids? We love ESA Kids! It tells us about Asteroids in simple language (so we know how to explain it to our kids, nieces and nephews, grandchildren…) and brings up the dinosaurs (let’s face it, dinosaurs get

So here we are, sharing some more about the fascinating world of Asteroids. Today, we turn to the experts at ESA to tell us more about how Asteroids are built. What? You thought they were all just big lumps of rock? Think again! Have a look at this “Structure and composition of asteroids” to get you started. The NEOROCKERS can tell you