In 2013, the United Nation’s General Assembly agreed to support a series of recommendations for an international response to a potential NEO impact threat. These included the establishment of an International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN).
IAWN is tasked with designing a strategy to assist Governments in analysing asteroid impact consequences and planning mitigation responses.
NEOROCKS is providing input to IAWN, thanks to INAF’s participation in the IAWN Steering Committee.
In February, NEOROCKS was discussed at the 10th Meeting of the IAWN Steering Committee. Full report here, with updates on IAWN members’ work and summaries of invited speeches.
On 23 September, at the next Steering Committee, our NEOROCKER Giovanni Valsecchi will give a presentation of initial NEOROCKS results. Watch this space for the report.
Find out more about IAWN on their web site and here for more details about their role in the UN’s partnerships on NEOs and Planetary Defense.
Photo by Prokhor Minin on Unsplash