NEOROCKS 4 KIDS – Seeking YOUR input!
Here at Neorocks, we want to help inform the next generation of Neorockers! We want to get information out to the younger generations, help them to understand more about asteroids and about all the amazing science and technology that surrounds them.
We have some ideas about how to do this….some from ourselves, some from our children and our younger friends. But we want more!
What do you think we should be doing to engage and inform children? What kind of asteroid related information would your children like? What kind of activities would they be interested in?
LET US KNOW and we’ll do what we can to make them happen!
Share your thoughts on twitter or facebook.
#Neorocks4Kids #citizenengagement #scienceeducation #GirlsInStem
Photo by Robo Wunderkind on Unsplash