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  /  Consortium   /  Nearly DART time…

Nearly DART time…

For the first time ever, planetary defence teams are attempting to deliberately collide with a target asteroid, in order to change its speed and path.

This is DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test), the first ever mission to dedicated to investigating and demonstrating a method of asteroid deflection by changing an asteroid’s motion in space through kinetic impact. It has potentially HUGE impacts on the future of planetary defence.

And it is happening now. The expected date of impact is 26th September 2022….you can watch it LIVE at 6pm ET (it’ll be worth staying awake for!): youtu.be/4RA8Tfa6Sck

Our Neorockers are part of this huge global initiative…Stick with us over the next few days to find out more!

Image credit: NASA