Doing anything for Asteroid day?
We’ve already been live on Asteroid Day TV with the ESA-Italy Planetary Defense session, moderated by Ettore Perozzi from ASI and featuring our coordinator Elisabetta Dotto, INAF. Missed that? Don’t worry, it will be showing again on ESA TV on the 30th and you can check it out here.
Then on Friday 26 June, we were on Italian national television with RAI NEWS 24. Futuro 24 is the scientific segment and this edition focused on Asteroid Day. Davide Perna from INAF explained what NEOROCKS is doing to detect and characterize NEOs.
And on Asteroid day itself make sure you don’t miss:
Benoit Carry from Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur giving a live tour of their observatory entitled Astéroïdes : Petits corps, grande histoire. You can see it on facebook between 17:30 and 18:30.
Mirel Birlan from ObsPM live from Romania on Noi si Cerul (The Sky and us). Check out the details here and tune in between 17:00 and 19:00.
INAF media team live from Rome, available on all INAF media channels. At 17:00, tune into the live show with Davide Perna and Albino Carbognani (front line asteroid research: observation, discoveries, characterisation, orbit) and then again at 19:00 with Elisabetta Dotto and Ettore Perozzi (what would happen if there was a real asteroid collision alarm?).
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias are giving a series of three talks, including live chats with participants. Link up with them here at 19:00.
Fabrizio Bernardi from SpaceDys giving a talk for the Italian Association of Amateur Astronomers (talk starts at 21.00 CET, NEOROCKS featuring around 21:30) – you can see it here
Cover image from Media INAF, shown on RaiNews24