Happy Asteroid Day to all of you! For those mini-neorockers out there, find out all you want to know about asteroids with our Asteroid Day Special mini-newsletter “Ask the Neorockers”! And for the slightly less mini-neorockers, take a trip to Stomboli with Ettore Perozzi, from the Italian Space Agency… Our French partner OCA, will be busy on Saturday night, opening their doors to
Our Neorockers were out in force at the Europlanet Science Congress (13 – 24 September 2021) and you can find all their presentations on our new Scientific Outputs page (which we are very proud of, so check it out!!!). Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash
In 2013, the United Nation's General Assembly agreed to support a series of recommendations for an international response to a potential NEO impact threat. These included the establishment of an International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN). IAWN is tasked with designing a strategy to assist Governments in analysing asteroid impact consequences and planning mitigation responses. NEOROCKS is providing input to IAWN, thanks to
ESO science operations delayed due to COVID-19
Bad news regarding science operations at ESO observatories. The European Southern Observatory has confirmed that calls for proposal for Period 107 (April-October 2021) are suspended. The decision was made after an in depth analysis of the commitments already taken for Period 105 and 106 (October 2020-March 2021). At the La Silla Paranal Observatory, almost the entire observing time allocated for April-September 2020
NEOROCKS @Europlanet Science Congress
The Europlanet Science Congress is the largest planetary science meeting in Europe and NEOROCKS will be there! We just found out today that our abstract has been accepted - congratulations NEOROCKERS! This year for the first time, EPSC2020 will be held as a virtual meeting. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, attendees will not be able to meet in Granada as foreseen.
Last NEO observations before lockdown
Our Neorocker, Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), was at the European Southern Observatory just before it was temporarily shut down, due to the global health emergency. CAS had an observing run at the 1.54-m Danish telescope on the La Silla station of the European Southern Observatory in Chile from March 16 to 23. They took rich photometric
NEOROCKS Kicks Off (Virtually)
Excited to get started with the NEOROCKS project this week! The 14 consortium partners met up virtually on 20th January, to start getting to know each other and to start reflecting on how to take their tasks forward in the project. We learned about each partners’ specific expertise and areas of interest and we talked about how to fit these together
Our 2020 looking at the sky!
The big news today is that the asteroid 2019 AE3, as big as a bus, is transiting close to the Earth… An asteroid approaching earth, threating humankind: we have seen this in many films and many tales. However, in real life, who is in charge of monitoring this risk and defending us against its potential impact? The NEOROCKS project deals with research in