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Hot of the press! Our own Ettore Perozzi from the Italian Space Agency was interviewed for the Horizon Magazine. Have a look here at what he had to say about “how do we know if an asteroid headed our way is dangerous?” and about what NEOROCKS is doing to assess the threat of near earth objectives in rapid time. Photo by Elena Mozhvilo

The 7th IAA Planetary Defense Confererence will be held (online) on April 26-30, 2021. Hosted by UNOOSA in collaboration with ESA, the bi-annual conference brings together world experts to discuss the threat to Earth posed by asteroids and comets and actions that might be taken to deflect a threatening object. Our NEOROCKS partners will be there of course! Fabrizio Bernardi from Spacedys will

On this day, in 1564, Galileo Galilei was born. Astronomer, philosopher, physician…he played a central role in modern science. His observations of the solar system, including the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and the Sun, lead to discoveries that revolutionised our knowledge of the universe. While looking at Jupiter, for instance, he discovered its four moons. The newly discovered bodies were named Medicia sidera

The project PRISMA (First Italian network of systematic surveillance of meteors and atmosphere) aims to set up an Italian network of all-sky cameras for the observation of exceptionally bright meteors (fireballs and bolides). The objective is to determine the orbits of the objects that cause them and establish, with a good degree of approximation, the areas in which their fragments

This week, NASA’s Osiris-Rex spacecraft completed its “tag-and-go” manoeuvre to collect surface rock from asteroid Bennu. This is an amazing achievement, reported all over the world. We’ve collected some great press articles for you, so you can find out more about this mission and why it is so important: Official NASA Oxiris Rex Page (In English) BBC News “Elation as Nasa's Osiris-Rex probe

NEOROCKS sends huge congratulations to Andrea Ghez, Nobel Prize in Physics 2020! The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 was divided, one half awarded to Roger Penrose "for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity", the other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez "for the discovery of a supermassive compact object

The European Commission has launched the MANIFESTO FOR EU COVID-19 RESEARCH, to maximise the accessibility of research results in the fight against COVID-19. The Manifesto is part of the EU Coronavirus response, the common European response to the coronavirus outbreak. It provides guiding principles for beneficiaries of EU research grants for coronavirus prevention, testing, treatment and vaccination to ensure that their research

The 24th of July was a busy night at the Tenerife Observatory. Join the ESA challenge and try to spot the 3 asteroids that were visible that night. Among them, you’ll see the previously unknown 2020 OM3. You have until the 25th of September to prove your hunting skills. Follow this link to check the images up close and see if you