Happy new year from NEOROCKS
We wish all Neorockers all over the world the best possible start to 2023. It will be busy one for NEOROCKS, so watch this space! Photo by Adnan Mistry on Unsplash
NEOROCKS was out in force at the EU ESA Workshop on the Imminent Impactors, with a presentation from Neorockers from the Italian Space Agency and INFAF on the rapid response experiment. Presentations are available here and more details can be found on ASI's web site. Photo Nasa 2018 (approaching asteroid Bennu)
NEOCC Newsletter December 202
The ESA S2P NEO Coordination Centre has released the December Newsletter. You can access it here. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
OCA Conference on asteroids and impacts
The Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA) presented NEOROCKS at the national “Science Party” that took place in France during the first half of October 2022. The event included conferences, talks, and visits all over the country. Our NEOROCKER Benoît Carry was invited by the city of Villeneuve Loubet to give a talk on asteroid risks. The target audience was represented
Neorockers and Dart….Focus on DART – OPTiK
What has the University of Edinburgh being doing for DART? Many things, but let’s focus on DART – OPTiK. The DART – OPTiK team is a collaboration of researchers from the University of Edinburgh, STFC UKRI, Technical University of Kenya and the Turkana Basin Institute. Our Neorocker Colin Snodgrass is part of this team. With support from the Europlanet Coordination of Ground-based
Neorockers and Dart….Focus on University of Padova
What has the University of Padova being doing for DART? Professor Monica Lazzarin from the Department of Physics and Astronomy is DART Team Investigation member and she participates in the international campaign of ground based observations of Didymos and Dimorphos before and after the impact. Other Neorockers in her team are also involved. Fiorangela La Forgia is a member of the
Neorockers and Dart….Focus on CAS
What has Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) being doing for DART? Neorocker Petr Pravec is the "Data Analysis Coordinator". He was in charge of coordinating photometric observations taken during 2015 to 2021, analysis of the obtained light curve data, and doing their light curve decompositions that were input data to the Dimorphos orbit modelling. He does the
Neorockers and Dart….Focus on LICIACUBE
What have Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica INAF and Italian Space Agency ASI being doing for DART? Many things, but let’s focus on LICIACube (Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids). LICIACube is a space mission of ASI, and part of the NASA DART. LICIACube was hosted as secondary spacecraft during all DART’s interplanetary cruise, being then released by its dispenser before the
Neorockers and Dart….Focus on IAC
What has Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC) being doing for DART? Neorocker Julia de Leon, planetary scientist at the IAC, is coordinating (together with Dr. Simone Ieva, from INAF) the Characterisation part of the Observations Working Group. Right now, she is not at her office in the Canary Islands, but in Chile, as she will be observing the DART impact
Nearly DART time…
For the first time ever, planetary defence teams are attempting to deliberately collide with a target asteroid, in order to change its speed and path. This is DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test), the first ever mission to dedicated to investigating and demonstrating a method of asteroid deflection by changing an asteroid’s motion in space through kinetic impact. It has potentially HUGE