Asteroid Day with Czech Academy of Sciences
On the occasion of Asteroid Day 2022, scientists from the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences organised a meeting with the general public. After a short presentation entitled “Near-Earth asteroids - danger and opportunity”, scientists answered questions from the audience and commented on various topics requested by the guests. Click here to find out more about the partner's role in
NEOROCKS on Futuro24
Futuro24, RAI New's scientific section, leads us into Asteroid Day with a session on "Defending the Earth from Asteroids"
Happy, NeoRocking New Year!
Here we are in 2022! Happy New Year to all you Neorockers out there! January is an interesting month to look up at the sky. Check out here what planets will be on show this month. NEOROCKS will be busy this month too! Pop back soon to find out more! Photo by Weston MacKinnon on Unsplash
Merry Christmas from NEOROCKS!
We are off on our winter break now, so we wish all our Neorockers and friends a very Merry Christmas! While you are drinking your mulled wine, take a look up at the sky. Plenty to see on Christmas night, from the Orion Nebula, to the Pleiades and even an impressive planet show. Happy Christmas gazing! Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
We have just launched our NEOROCKS YouTube Channel. We’ll be updating it regularly and for now you can find our partners e-lightning talks from the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Confererence. It’s Friday, settle down this evening with a glass of wine and some popcorn and learn some more about Near Earth Objects! Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash
In 2013, the United Nation's General Assembly agreed to support a series of recommendations for an international response to a potential NEO impact threat. These included the establishment of an International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN). IAWN is tasked with designing a strategy to assist Governments in analysing asteroid impact consequences and planning mitigation responses. NEOROCKS is providing input to IAWN, thanks to
NEOROCKS Partners still at work
The COVID-19 emergency sweeping the globe means that NEOROCKS partners are all working from home, starting from the coordinator where lock down measures in Italy have been widely instated. No access to the telescopes, so observation is out for now. However, we are still working, ensuring that our project gets off to the best possible start. Email, telephone, video conferencing