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  /  Outreach   /  Amazing week for Asteroid research!

Amazing week for Asteroid research!

This week, NASA’s Osiris-Rex spacecraft completed its “tag-and-go” manoeuvre to collect surface rock from asteroid Bennu.

This is an amazing achievement, reported all over the world. We’ve collected some great press articles for you, so you can find out more about this mission and why it is so important:

Official NASA Oxiris Rex Page (In English)

BBC NewsElation as Nasa’s Osiris-Rex probe tags asteroid Bennu in sample bid” (In English)

MEDIA INAFTOsiris-Rex, i cinque secondi che fecero la storia” (In Italian)

Ouest FranceLa sonde Osiris-Rex percute l’astéroïde Bennu pour en collecter des fragments” (French)

DWLa sonda Osiris-Rex entra en contacto con asteroide Bennu” (In Spanish)

Photo Crediti: Nasa / Goddard / University of Arizona