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  /  Project   /  NEOROCKS @Europlanet Science Congress

NEOROCKS @Europlanet Science Congress

The Europlanet Science Congress is the largest planetary science meeting in Europe and NEOROCKS will be there! We just found out today that our abstract has been accepted – congratulations NEOROCKERS!

This year for the first time, EPSC2020 will be held as a virtual meeting. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, attendees will not be able to meet in Granada as foreseen. However, going virtual will give access opportunity to an even larger audience all over the world. Make sure you are part of it too….

The congress will be organised between the 21st of September and the 9th of October 2020 with a mix of real time events and pre-recorded sessions including videos and virtual posters.

NEOROCKS will shine in the session focusing on “Space Missions to Small Bodies: Planetary Defense”

Stay tuned for further details!