Our 2020 looking at the sky!
The big news today is that the asteroid 2019 AE3, as big as a bus, is transiting close to the Earth…
An asteroid approaching earth, threating humankind: we have seen this in many films and many tales. However, in real life, who is in charge of monitoring this risk and defending us against its potential impact? The NEOROCKS project deals with research in this inspiring field, thanks to its teams of expert astronomers that use sophisticated instrumentation and theoretical models.
According to the European Space Agency, the yearly discovery record of asteroids was beaten already in November 2019, with 2144 NEOs (Near Earth Objects) discovered since January 2019.
Information collected from scientists is increasingly accurate and thanks to our NEOROCKS blog we will do our best to keep you in the loop. Follow us in this discovery journey into space!
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash