A Pint of Science with NEOROCKS
Happy to announce the participation of our Neorocker Davide Perna at the “Pint of Science Festival, finaly back live between 9-11 May 2022. An exciting event, across 23 Italian cities and across the world, where researchers chat about science over a pint. Davide will be at Flanagan's Frascati talk about Asteroids and Life on Earth: Past, Present and Future (with a shout
May Newsletter from NEOCC
The ESA SSA-NEO Coordination Centre has released its May newsletter. Download it here
Neorocks4Kids Polish Version
Our Neorocks4Kids videos now have Polish Subtitles. Calling all you Polish mini-Neorockers: Here you can watch Introducing asteroids, here Naming the asteroids and here all about Telescopes! Happy watching! Miłego oglądania!