We have just launched our NEOROCKS YouTube Channel. We’ll be updating it regularly and for now you can find our partners e-lightning talks from the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Confererence. It’s Friday, settle down this evening with a glass of wine and some popcorn and learn some more about Near Earth Objects! Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash
NEOROCKS in Horizon Magazine
Hot of the press! Our own Ettore Perozzi from the Italian Space Agency was interviewed for the Horizon Magazine. Have a look here at what he had to say about “how do we know if an asteroid headed our way is dangerous?” and about what NEOROCKS is doing to assess the threat of near earth objectives in rapid time. Photo by Elena Mozhvilo
NEOROCKS @ 7th IAA PDC Conference 2021
The 7th IAA Planetary Defense Confererence will be held (online) on April 26-30, 2021. Hosted by UNOOSA in collaboration with ESA, the bi-annual conference brings together world experts to discuss the threat to Earth posed by asteroids and comets and actions that might be taken to deflect a threatening object. Our NEOROCKS partners will be there of course! Fabrizio Bernardi from Spacedys will