NEOROCKS @Europlanet Science Congress
The Europlanet Science Congress is the largest planetary science meeting in Europe and NEOROCKS will be there! We just found out today that our abstract has been accepted - congratulations NEOROCKERS! This year for the first time, EPSC2020 will be held as a virtual meeting. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, attendees will not be able to meet in Granada as foreseen.
Gaia and Asteroids
ESA’s Gaia mission was launched in 2013 to construct a three-dimensional map of our galaxy. Here at NEOROCKS we are interested, because Gaia can also be useful when it comes to asteroids! While scanning the sky and mapping the stars, Gaia might spot moving targets. Some of these will be bodies that have already been detected previously. Others could be a new
The ASTEROID that went by – what does it really mean?
At the beginning of June (on the 5th to be precise), the largest asteroid this year passed between the Earth and the moon. You might have heard a few people talking about in during Asteroid Day ? The asteroid is called 2020 LD and it has an estimated equivalent diameter of between 63 and 200 m (this means that it is
Doing anything for Asteroid day?
NEOROCKS is! We’ve already been live on Asteroid Day TV with the ESA-Italy Planetary Defense session, moderated by Ettore Perozzi from ASI and featuring our coordinator Elisabetta Dotto, INAF. Missed that? Don’t worry, it will be showing again on ESA TV on the 30th and you can check it out here. Then on Friday 26 June, we were on Italian national television
Something for the kids
While the grown-ups wait for Asteroid Day, and try desperately to get through never ending lockdown and school closures, how about something for the kids? We love ESA Kids! It tells us about Asteroids in simple language (so we know how to explain it to our kids, nieces and nephews, grandchildren…) and brings up the dinosaurs (let’s face it, dinosaurs get
Have a nice weekend, with Asteroid Day
Have a nice weekend and check out some of the events happening for Asteroid Day
Are all Asteroids lumps of rock?
So here we are, sharing some more about the fascinating world of Asteroids. Today, we turn to the experts at ESA to tell us more about how Asteroids are built. What? You thought they were all just big lumps of rock? Think again! Have a look at this “Structure and composition of asteroids” to get you started. The NEOROCKERS can tell you
How to make a NEOROCKS?
Our infographic below gives you a quick overview of the key features that make NEOROCKS unique. Have a look! Follow us in the next weeks for a focus on each ingredient and to get to know all the NEOROCKERS.
Last NEO observations before lockdown
Our Neorocker, Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), was at the European Southern Observatory just before it was temporarily shut down, due to the global health emergency. CAS had an observing run at the 1.54-m Danish telescope on the La Silla station of the European Southern Observatory in Chile from March 16 to 23. They took rich photometric