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Luglio 2020

  /    /  Luglio

NEOWISE. Have you heard this name over the past few days? Have you seen some of the beautiful pictures with flashes of light flying over the Northern hemisphere? Did the name sound familiar? If you thought there might be a link with NEOROCKS, you were right! The NEO prefix indicates that we are talking about a Near Earth Object, a body whose

The Europlanet Science Congress is the largest planetary science meeting in Europe and NEOROCKS will be there! We just found out today that our abstract has been accepted - congratulations NEOROCKERS! This year for the first time, EPSC2020 will be held as a virtual meeting. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, attendees will not be able to meet in Granada as foreseen.

ESA’s Gaia mission was launched in 2013 to construct a three-dimensional map of our galaxy. Here at NEOROCKS we are interested, because Gaia can also be useful when it comes to asteroids! While scanning the sky and mapping the stars, Gaia might spot moving targets. Some of these will be bodies that have already been detected previously. Others could be a new