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Aprile 2020

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An asteroid over 1 mile (2km) wide passes relatively close to Earth, today April 29 2020. While Asteroid 1998 OR2 is considered a "close approach" by astronomers, it it still very far away: The asteroid will come to about 3.9 million miles (6.3 million kilometres) away, passing more than 16 times farther away than the Moon. The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico

Thanks to the Asteroid Day team that shared this educational film on asteroids made available by the California Academy of Science! A way to learn more about the context in which NEROCKS operates.  You can learn more about the film here The team of European expert astronomers within NEOROCKS will perform high-quality physical observations of newly discovered NEOs, and will investigate the

While waiting for our project to deliver its first results, why not getting acquainted to the characters that we will encounter along the way? Let’s get started with a short ESA (European Space Agency) video that in only 90 seconds introduces you to the leading actors of our tale and the object of research in our NEOROCKS project: the Near Earth